With the fluctuating prices of fuel in the world, it is more important than ever for drivers to find ways to save money on fuel. Fortunately, there are numerous fuel discount programs available that assist you to save more on all your fuel purchases. Some of these programs are designed specifically for truck drivers and provide fuel discounts at partner stations in exchange for meeting certain criteria. Other programs are available to anyone with a qualifying vehicle or driver's license. Why Do We All Need Fuel Discounts? Fuel discount cards are more beneficial to your trucking company’s drivers, if you are the owner-operator/have a fleet, Fuel Discounts , allow you to save on fuel costs. For example:- When a trucking company does not provide its drivers with fuel cards, the driver is frequently responsible for covering the cost of fuel, submitting receipts, and then waiting for reimbursement on their paycheck. That's a huge hassle and expense that many truck drivers can'...